Hair - [e] Khloe @ The Epiphany
Skin Applier - Glam Affair - Clara
Mesh Head -LeLutka LEDA
Headpieces - Astralia - Peony Princess RARE @ Kustom9
Ring - .8 [ kunst ] - Hollowed @ Kustom9
Ring - MG Fortune Lotus Flower
Romper - Tee*fy Kayla Maitreya - Vintage @ Kustom9
Birdy. Shabby Cats - Hug-A-Bear - Brown @ The Epiphany
Birdy/Alchemy - Spring Babes - Ducky - Lemon
Di'Cor Countryside Gazebo (White) @ Tres Chic
Hayabusa Design SimpleGrassCover3 M1v1-1_P
8f8 - Single Young Sakura PINK with Beads (No shadow)
Apple Fall Apiary Bee Hive White (Tall)
Apple Fall Vintage Bee Skep
Apple Fall Apiary Bee Hive Mixed (Short)
Secret Body Blog
Liv Haalan ♥